
TS News - Irisz TV Make Take Satellite Spot

Irisz TV on satellite?
TELE-satellit News, 12 August 1997

Irisz TV Make Take Satellite Spot
  BUDAPEST, Hungary, 97/08/12 (TS) -- Irisz Televison, the company that
lost in the competition for the Hungarian terrestrial television franchise
is now thinking to start a satellite distributed service, but they have not
decided yet if it would be an analog or digital feed. The analog
transmission would provide a greater number of viewers, but using a digital
channel in CME's digital package is lot cheaper.

  One of the reasons for its start on satellite is that it had already
bought several thousand hours of programming, because it was certain about
winning the franchise, but that turned out differently. Now with the
satellite as the only way to appear on the Hungarian TV screens, it could
even start sooner then their rivals on terrestrial.

  By: Tamas Nyitrai
(c)TELE-satellit 1997. All rights reserved.

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