
Re: Astra in Finland (2)

Regarding receiving ASTRA with a 1m-dish in Espoo/Finland (1.6.97) we
received some practical information from lasse lasanan and will pass it on
to the readser from Espoo. Thanks a lot, Lasse!
>City: helsinki
>In reply to a neighbour client: I live in Espoo, Finland and have received
_some_ Astra signals even with a 60 cm dish. Nowadays I have a 180 cm dish
BUT with a offset-type LNB "seeing" only some 120 cm of the dish area. Astra
D H-channels are strong.  Astra A H-ch's are pretty good. Astra C H-ch's and
various V-channels are watchable as well. My experience suggests, that on
favourable weather conditions some twenty channels are watchable with a 100
cm dish.
Christian Mass (Dr.Dish)
Editor of TELE-satellite magazine (http://www.TELE-satellit.com)
Producer of drdish@tv, Europe´s first satellite info-channel

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