
NOKIA/d-box RS232

could not write down everything about the Nokia/d-box during your last show.
Plse repeat the use of the RS232 so far as known. Thanks a lot and keep on
doing your fine work. C.U. on febr. 14.
Roger v.d. Berg

Here we are again:
First, you need a 0-modem cable between your PC and the Nokia or d-box.

Set your terminal software to 19.200 and 8N1
Starting the d-box you will get the "System Start" message, then press ESC.
Dont´wait for the date and time display

The Key and their function:
0-9=    0-9
s=      standby
o=      OK
t=      TV
b=      Radio
i=      INFO
m=      MENUE
p=      OPTIONS
d=      MARK
f=      MUTE
c=      HELP
n=      Channel up
u=      Channel down
a=      Page Up
e=      Page Down
h=      Left
j=      Right
+=      Volume Up
-=      Volume down

Happy programming and please let see us the results!

Dr.Dish (Christian Mass)
Editor of TELE-satellite magazine
Producer of drdish@tv, Europe´s first satellite info-channel

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